• Hughes, M. Üçok, & Pehlivan, E. (2024). Destigmatizing Cannabis: A Theoretical Exploration of Shifting Consumption Norms in the U.S. Legal Market. Journal of Management Policy and Practice, 25(4).

  • Hughes, M. Ü., Upadhyaya, S., & Houston, H. R. (2024). Achieving Societal Impact Through Community-Engaged Learning: Strategic Recommendations For Integrating AACSB Societal Impact Standards Into Marketing Courses. Marketing Education Review, 1–18.

  • Üçok Hughes, M., Martin, D. M., & Coskuner-Balli, G. (2024). Plural Logics in Marketing Systems: Managing Tensions Within the Social Matrix in an Ecovillage. Journal of Macromarketing, 44(2), 392-407.
  • Coskuner-Balli, G., Pehlivan Ekin, & Üçok Hughes, M. (2021). Institutional Work and Brand Strategy in the Contested Cannabis Market. Journal of Macromarketing, 41(4), 663-674. [PDF]
  • Schill, M., Godefroit-Winkel, D., & Üçok Hughes, M. (2020). A Country-of-Origin Perspective on Climate Change Actions: Evidence from France, Morocco, and the United States. Journal of International Marketing, 29 (1) 23-38.
  • Upadhyaya, S., Üçok Hughes, M., & Houston, H. R. (2019). Using Sustainability as a Framework for Marketing Curricula and Pedagogy. The Journal of Sustainability Education, 20 (April). [web link] [PDF]
  • Anderson, J., Üçok Hughes, M., & Nguyen, C. (2019). The Highs and Lows of Startups in the Cannabis Industry: A PESTLE Analysis of the Current Issues. Business Forum, 27(2), 26-36. [web link] [PDF]
  • Üçok Hughes, M., Stovall, T., Pehlivan, E., & Cardona, R. (2018). Strategic Target Marketing Considerations and Implications for the U.S. Hispanic Market. Journal of Cultural Marketing Strategy, 3 (2), 152-171. [PDF]
  • Üçok Hughes, M., Upadhyaya, S., & Houston, H. R. (2018). Educating Future Corporate Managers for a Sustainable World: Recommendations for a Paradigm Shift in Business Education. On the Horizon, 26 (3), 194-205. [web link] [PDF]
  • Üçok Hughes, M., Stovall, T., & Ventzislavov, R. (2017). Constructing a Narrative Identity of Los Angeles Through a Gastronoir Adventure. In A. Gneezy, V. Griskevicius, & P. Williams, (Eds.), NA – Advances in Consumer Research Volume 45, (pp. 486-488). Duluth, MN : Association for Consumer Research. [web link]
  • Üçok Hughes, M., Bendoni, W., & Pehlivan, E. (2016). Storygiving as a co-creation tool for luxury brands in the age of the internet: A love story by Tiffany and thousands of lovers. Journal of Product and Brand Management – Special Issue: Technopocene: Technology’s Transformation of People, Products and Brands, 24 (4), 357-364.  [web link] [Emerald blog]
  • Pehlivan, E., Berthon, P., Üçok Hughes, M., & Berthon, J. P. (2015). Keeping up with The Joneses: Stealth, secrets, and duplicity in marketing relationships. Business Horizons – Special Issue: The Magic of Secrets, 58 (6), 591-598. – Lead article. Featured in Harvard Business Publishing for Educators. [PDF]
  • Üçok Hughes, M., Eckhardt, G., Kaigler-Walker, K., & Gilbert, Z. (2015). The discontinuous evolution of women’s fashion in China. Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal – Special Issue: “Journey to the West”: Rethinking the Role of Asian Business and Consumer Culture in the Global Marketplace, 18 (4), 391-408. – Lead article. [PDF]
  • Schiele, K., & Üçok Hughes, M. (2013). Possession Rituals of the Digital Consumer: A Study of Pinterest. In G. Cornelissen, E.  Reutskaja, & A. Valenzuela (Eds.), European Advances in Consumer Research (pp. 47-50). Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research. [PDF]
  • Üçok Hughes, M. (2012). Social Status Implications of Transmigrants’ Consumer Practices in Their Cultures of Origin. In Z. Gürhan-Canli, C. Otnes, & R. Zhu (Eds.), NA – Advances in Consumer Research (pp. 148-152). Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research. [PDF]
  • Visconti, L. M., Üçok Hughes, M., & Bagramian, R. (2012). Diversity Appreciated? A Visual Longitudinal Analysis of Ukraine’s Nation Branding Campaigns. In Z. Gürhan-Canli, C. Otnes, & R. Zhu (Eds.), NA – Advances in Consumer Research (pp. 935-936). Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research. [PDF]
  • Üçok Hughes, M. (2010). From resistance to integration: changing consumer acculturation practices of immigrants. In M. Campbell, J. Inman, & R. Pieters (Eds.), Advances in Consumer Research (pp. 10-14). Pittsburgh, PA: Association for Consumer Research. [doc]
  • Üçok, M., & Kjeldgaard, D. (2005). Consumption Practices in Transnational Social Spaces: A Study of Turkish Transmigrants. In K. Ekström & H. Brembeck (Eds.), European Advances in Consumer Research, (pp. 431-436). Goteborg, Sweden: Association for Consumer Research. [PDF]


  • Üçok Hughes, M., and Balan, S. (2020). Introduction to the Special Issue: Sustainability. Business Forum, 28(1). [PDF]
  • Üçok Hughes, M., & Houston, R. (2018). Introduction to the Special Issue: Alternative Imaginings. Markets, Globalization & Development Review, 3(2), Article 1. Available at: [web link] [PDF]


  • Stovall, T., Üçok Hughes, M., & Ventzislavov, R. (2020). Curated Nostalgia- Constructing and Consuming the City Through a Culinary Adventure. In Susanne Doppler & Adrienne Steffen (Eds.), Consumer Science and Strategic Marketing: Case Studies on Food Experiences: Insights for Marketing, Retail and Events. (pp. 161-168). Elsevier. [book web page]
  • Visconti, L., Üçok Hughes, M., & Corengia, M. (May 2020). Reexamining Market Segmentation: Bifurcated Perspectives and Practices. In L. Peñaloza, N. Toulouse, & L. M. Visconti (Eds.), Marketing Management: A Cultural Perspective 2nd ed. (pp. 287-312). London: Routledge. [book web page]
  • Üçok Hughes, M., McConnell, W., & Groner, S. (2019). A Community-Based Social Marketing Anti-Littering Campaign: Be the Street You Want to See. In Basil, D., & M., D. Gonzalo (Eds.), Social Marketing in Action: Cases from Around the World. (pp. 339-358). New York, NY: Springer. [PDF]
  • Üçok Hughes, M. (2018). Sustainable Living in the City: The Case of an Urban Ecovillage. In Dhiman, S. & J. Marques (Eds.), Handbook of Engaged Sustainability. (pp. 869-883). New York, NY: Springer. [book web page] [PDF]
  • Visconti, L. M., & Üçok Hughes, M. (2012). Market Segmentation and Targeting Reloaded. In L. Peñaloza, N. Toulouse, & L. M. Visconti (Eds.), Marketing Management: A Cultural Perspective (pp. 295-314). London: Routledge. [book web page]


  • Üçok Hughes, M., & Pehlivan E. (2024). Cultivating Change: Public Policy Implications in Destigmatizing Legal Cannabis in the United States. In Marketing and Public Policy Conference Proceedings. Washington DC.

  • Üçok Hughes, M. (2024). Enhancing Eco-Therapeutic Programs for the Visually Impaired Through Innovative Marketing Strategies. In North American Social Marketing Conference Proceedings. Clearwater, FL.

  • Üçok Hughes, M., Coskuner-Balli, G., and Martin, D. (2023). Forming Market Utopias: Tensions and Challenges at an Urban Ecovillage. In Consumer Culture Conference Proceedings, Lund. Sweden.
  • Üçok Hughes, M., & Pehlivan, E. (2023). The Normativization of Stigmatized Consumption in the U.S. Cannabis Market. In Consumer Culture Conference Proceedings, Lund. Sweden.
  • Upadhyaya, S., Üçok Hughes, M., & Houston, R. (2023). Integrating AACSB Societal Impact Standards into Marketing Courses. In Marketing Educators’ Association Conference Proceedings. San Francisco, CA.
  • Upadhyaya, S., Houston, R., & Üçok Hughes, M., (2022). Virtual In-Depth Interviews: Strategies for Teaching Qualitative Marketing Research in a Remote Context. In Marketing Educators’ Association Conference Proceedings. Seattle, WA. [Weblink]
  • Üçok Hughes, M., & Pehlivan, E. (2020). Destigmatization and legitimization of cannabis consumption: A semiotic analysis of the current cannabis market. In AMA Marketing and Public Policy Conference Proceedings, (318-319). Marina del Rey, CA. [Weblink]
  • Üçok Hughes, M., & Martin, D. (2019). Collective consumption in intentional communities. In J. E. Richard and D. Kadirov (Eds.). In Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC) Proceedings (pp. 407-410). Wellington, New Zealand. [PDF]
  • Üçok Hughes, M., & Martin, D. (2018). When utopian ideologies meet marketplace realities: fairy tale dreams at ecovillage communities. In Consumer Culture Theory Conference Proceedings, (p. 61). Odense, Denmark. [Weblink]
  • Üçok Hughes, M., Stovall, T., Cardona R., & Pehlivan, E. (2018). Multi-Cultural marketing strategies: Considerations for the U.S. Hispanic market for digital and mobile campaigns. In Academy of Marketing Science World Conference Proceedings, Porto, Portugal.
  • Upadhyaya, S., Üçok Hughes, M., & Houston, R. (2018). Using the sustainability framework to reframe marketing curricula and pedagogy. In Marketing Educators’ Association Conference Proceedings, (182-183). Santa Fe, NM.[web link]
  • Üçok Hughes, M., Stovall, T., & Cardona, R. (2016). Digital marketing and the overlooked Hispanic 50+ demographic. In Marketing EDGE Direct/Interactive Marketing Research Summit Proceedings, Los Angeles, CA.
  • Üçok Hughes, M., & McConnell, W. (2016). Alternative lifestyles for a sustainable future: Issues, dilemmas, and paradoxes of ecovillages. In P. Polsa, J. Denegri-Knott, R. Mellado Silva and F. Kerrigan (eds.) International Society for Markets and Development Conference Proceedings, (p. 327). Lima, Peru.
  • McConnell, W. & Üçok Hughes, M. (2016). Fissures of “Place” in the globalization of marketing: leveraging survival for Cabo Pulmo, North America’s oldest coral reef. In P. Polsa, J. Denegri-Knott, R. Mellado Silva and F. Kerrigan (eds.) International Society for Markets and Development Conference Proceedings, (pp. 406-407). Lima, Peru.
  • Üçok Hughes, M., Bendoni, W., & Nagel, A. (2015). Fashion disruption in the digital age. In 2015 Global Fashion Management Conference Proceedings, (pp. 333-337). Florence, Italy. [PDF]
  • Üçok Hughes, M. & McConnell, W. (2015). Changing social behavior by giving power to the people: A successful community-based social marketing youth littering campaign. In Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, Denver, CO.
  • McConnell, W. & Üçok Hughes, M. (2015). Enviro-ethical Dialogism: Implications for CSR and Consumer Engagement. In World Social Marketing Conference Proceedings (pp. 14-17), Sydney, Australia. [web link]
  • Üçok Hughes, M. (2015). Design and implementation recommendations for an undergraduate sustainable marketing course. In G. Black, & M. M. Nelson (Eds.), Teaching Marketing to New Generations and Non-Traditional Students. Proceedings of Marketing Educators’ Association Conference, Las Vegas, NV, 15-17 April (pp. 163-169). [PDF]
  • Üçok Hughes, M., & McConnell, W. (2015). A journey towards an interdisciplinary integrated marketing curriculum. In G. Black, & M. M. Nelson (Eds.), Teaching Marketing to New Generations and Non-Traditional Students. Proceedings of Marketing Educators’ Association Conference, Las Vegas, NV, 15-17 April (pp. 44-48). [PDF]
  • Bendoni W., Üçok Hughes, M., & Pehlivan, E. (2014). A Love Story by Tiffany & Co. and Thousands of Lovers: Story Giving as a Co-creation Tool. In Proceedings of Global Fashion Management Conference in London, London, UK. [web link]
  • Bagramian, R., Üçok Hughes, M., & Visconti L. M. (2012). Bringing the nation to the nation branding debate: Evidence from Ukraine. In Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science Cultural Perspectives in Marketing Conference. [PDF]
  • Üçok Hughes, M., Kaigler-Walker, K., & Bendoni, W. (2012). Young children as parents’ extended selves. In L. Robinson (Ed.), Marketing Dynamism & Sustainability: Things Change, Things Stay the Same. Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science [CD-ROM]. Ruston, LA: Academy of Marketing Science. [PDF]
  • Üçok Hughes, M., & Kaigler-Walker, K. (2012). Development and implementation of an AACSB assessment plan: assessing two mission-based principle learning objectives in an introductory marketing course. In Marketing Educators’ Association Conference Proceedings (pp. 202-212). Long Beach, CA. [PDF]
  • Visconti, L. M., &  Üçok Hughes, M. (2012). How International Marketing Trends Impact Segmentation and Targeting: A Cultural Revision. In International Marketing Trends Conference Proceedings. Venice, Italy. [PDF]
  • Üçok Hughes, M. (2015). Design and implementation recommendations for an undergraduate sustainable marketing course. In the Marketing Educators’ Association Conference Proceedings, Las Vegas, NV. [PDF]
  • Schiele, K., & Üçok Hughes, M. (2013). Transfer and Classification of Knowledge Structures of Digital Consumers. In the Academy of Marketing Science Conference Proceedings, Monterey, CA.
  • Üçok Hughes, M., & Bendoni, W. (2013). An application of a social media campaign in a marketing field experience course. In D. B. McCabe and G. S. Black (Eds.), Proceedings of the Marketing Educators’ Association Conference, (pp. 11-13). Portland, OR.
  • Bagramian, R., Üçok Hughes, M., & Visconti, L. M. (2012). Bringing the nation to the nation branding debate: evidence from Ukraine. In Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Conference, Atlanta, GA.
  • Üçok, M., & Askegaard, S. (2008). Capital Build-up and Transfer: The Case of Turco-Danish Transmigrants.  In A. Lee, & D. Soman (Eds.), Advances in Consumer Research (pp. 162-165). Memphis, TN: Association for Consumer Research. [PDF]


  • Cristina Nistor, C., Ucok Hughes, M., & Pehlivan, E. (2023). Gently Loved: All Of The Fashion, None Of The Guilt. Paper presented at Western Academy of Management, Reno, NV. [Web link]
  • Üçok Hughes, M., Pehlivan, E., & Coskuner-Balli, G. (2019). Legitimization of Recreational Cannabis Consumption: Introduction of Market and Aesthetics Logics in the Field. Paper presented at nitmkg2: Bringing Institutional Theory to Marketing Conference, Paris, France.[PDF]
  • Üçok Hughes, M., & Pehlivan, E. (2019). From Counter-Culture to Commoditization: Corporate Co-optation of Cannabis Consumption. Paper presented at Southern California Consumer Culture Community Colloquium, Los Angeles, CA.
  • Üçok Hughes, M. (2018). A Systematic Review of Mental Health Social Marketing Campaigns Targeting College Students. Poster presented at the European Social Marketing Conference, Antwerp, Belgium. [web link.]
  • Üçok Hughes, M., Stovall, T., & Ventzislavov, R. (2016). Constructing a narrative identity of Los Angeles through a gastronoir adventure. Presentation given at Markets, Culture and Consumption Workshop, The Paul Merage School of Business, University of California, Irvine, CA.
  • Üçok Hughes, M. & Martin, D. (2015). Community Consumption: An Urban Ecovillage Ethnography. Poster presented at Consumer Culture Theory Conference, Fayetteville, AR.
  • Bendoni, W., Pehlivan, E., & Üçok Hughes, M. (2014). Digital Curation in the Context of Fashion Marketing. Paper presented at Marketing EDGE Direct/Interactive Marketing Research Summit, San Diego, CA.
  • McConnell, W., & Üçok Hughes, M. (2014). The Emerging Paradigm of Enviro-ethical Dialogism, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Consumer Dynamism. Paper presented at Symposium on International & Interdisciplinary Business Research, California State University, Los Angeles, CA. – Best Paper Award
  • Pehlivan, E., Berthon, P., Üçok Hughes, M., & Berthon, J. P. (2014). Keeping up with The Joneses: Secrets and Duplicity in Promotional Messages. Paper presented at INBAM Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
  • Bagramian, R., Üçok Hughes, M., & Visconti, L. M. (2012). Bringing the Nation to the Nation Branding Debate: Evidence From Ukraine. Poster session presented at American Marketing Association Summer Educators’ Conference, Chicago, IL.
  • Üçok Hughes, M., Kaigler-Walker, K., & Bendoni, W. (2011). Mom’s Little Fashionista and Dad’s Little Surfer Dude: Young Children as Parents’ Extended Selves. Paper presented at Consumer Culture Theory Conference, Evanston, IL.
  • Visconti, L. M., & Üçok Hughes, M. (2011). Segmentation and Targeting Reloaded: The Interpretive (R)evolution of Two Highly Institutionalized Consumer Concepts. Paper presented at EIASM 6th Interpretive Consumer Workshop at University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark.
  • Üçok, M., & Askegaard, S. (2008). Transmigrant Consumption Practices. A Multi-sited Ethnographic Study of Turkish Immigrants in Denmark. Paper presented at Workshop on Immigrants, Consumption and Market, Lille School of Management Research Center University of Lille 2 – France, Lille, France.
  • Üçok, M. (2005). A Multi-sited Ethnographic Study of Transmigrant Consumers. Paper presented at EIASM Interpretive Consumer Research Workshop at Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Üçok, M. (2004). Consumption Practices in Transnational Social Spaces: A Study of Turkish Immigrants in Denmark. Paper presented at AMID-Academy for Migration Studies in Denmark 13th Nordic Migration Conference. Aalborg, Denmark.


  • Üçok, M. (2006). Transnational Consumption Practices for Social Mobility: A Study of Turkish Immigrants in Denmark. AMID-Academy for Migration Studies in Denmark Working Paper.


  • Üçok, M. (2011). Consumption Practices of Transmigrants: A Multi-sited Ethnographic Study of Turkish Immigrants in Denmark. Published doctoral thesis, University of Southern Denmark University Press.