• Marketing Concepts & Strategies
  • Global Marketing
  • Consumer Behavior
  • Sustainability Marketing
  • Marketing Strategy in a Global Environment


  • Principles of Marketing (traditional, online, and hybrid)
  • Consumer Behavior (traditional, online, and hybrid)
  • Community-Based Social Marketing (traditional and hybrid)
  • Sustainable Marketing
  • International Marketing
  • New York Field Experience
  • Media Marketing
  • Mindful Consumption
  • Civic Engagement and Social Issues
  • Public Relations


Below are a few examples of student projects that I facilitated in my courses.

  • In Fall 2023, my undergraduate consumer behavior class students worked on a project to enhance the Hearts for Sight Foundation‘s eco-therapeutic programs for the visually impaired. The project titled “Enhancing Eco-Therapeutic Programs for the Visually Impaired Through Innovative Marketing Strategies” was among sixteen projects chosen by the Pando Days ’23.
  • California State University, Los Angeles MBA and MSBA students conducted primary and secondary research to help Hearts for Sight Foundation, a non-profit organization to gain in-depth knowledge of their target audience and created user personas and a marketing mix plan.
  • My Spring 2017 Principles of Marketing students from five different majors (accounting, communication, fashion marketing, management, and marketing) created a marketing communication plan for the California Society for Clinical Social Workers (CSCSW) as part of their civic engagement project. The portfolio they presented to Monica Blauner, CSCSW President-Elect, included a web page design, a logo design, and a social media marketing plan.

  • In Fall 2016, the students in Civic Engagement and Social Issues course collaborated with Stephen Groner Associates and Thermostat Recycling Corporation on the California state-wide collection of mercury thermostats. The students were charged with targeting three different target audiences that were comprised of utility companies, universities and colleges, and K-12 schools. The project involved putting together a market research report and creating promotional materials.

  • Sustainable Marketing (Spring 2016) course website was created by undergraduate marketing students.

  • Two social marketing campaigns my Mindful Consumption (Spring 2016) students created:

  • Principles of Marketing (Fall 2015) students prepared two marketing communication plans for Extraordinary Families (a Los Angeles-based children foster care agency); one for the main organization and one for its sub-division Up4Youth. The project was voted the “best civic-minded project” at Woodbury’s 2015 Civic Engagement Symposium. Here is a press release about the event.

  • Sustainable Marketing (Spring 2014) students created a website to serve as a template for Woodbury University’s future sustainability web page.